Joey's blog thing

Monday, April 03, 2006


Hello everyone...

you'll never believe this...well actually you might...I have a month off for easter...crazyness.

went to the peak district over the weekend...the typical english country - rolling hills - little sheep etc:) I took pictures but don't have a card reader so can't download...

I keep visiting people and in my 'travel' I've compiled a list of what I want when I grow up:) (in my head mind you ...but its still a list:)

- a brick (dark red brick) house as close to curbar ridge as possible (its a very very beautiful place to hike and at times climb rocks and such)
- a library (with mahogany wood)
- a conservatory ( so I can read the books from my library without getting rained on)
- wicker furniture in my conservatory
- a garden with pretty pretty flowers and a cherry blossom
- a gardener to keep the garden:)
- a guest room (decorated with flowers from my garden)
- a fireplace

thats as far as I got...

ps: its finally spring over in there moments of intense sunshine (in between moments of cloudiness instead of weeks and weeks of dark gray)

Anywho talk to you later...


At 10:35 AM, Blogger Ian McKenzie said...

Sounds like a good time. I hear you made your mother cry during a web-cam visit. Shame on you! ;) We have a great picture of you shoving a bacon sandwich into your mouth. I'll print off a copy for your mom.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger LefthandedSocks said...

And I will be your librarian and do the flower arrangements in the guest room.

I also heard the you made your mother cry during a web-cam visit. She was quite excited when she told me about it.

See you when you get back to Edmonton

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Natalie Jill said...


I'm so glad I found your blog!

I hope you're having a wonderful time spending that rediculous amount of money in Med School!

Natalie (aka Bullette)

At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A House! (sorry it's delayed!)Do you have roomies? Hope life's great overseas. Miss ya chica! We all have our wish lists. Someday...

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah, & enjoyed that long deserved break - just don't go downhill when you get back! I found it hard and it was only for 10 days!

At 4:23 PM, Blogger Tammy Williams said...

Fun in the sun! That's great that there is so much to see there. Hopefully you have found a great group to hang out with. Are you attending church there?

You future house sounds wonderful. Hopefully we can have the same one day - only here in Oregon...haha:) For now, we are enjoying this 3 bdrom house.

At 7:34 PM, Blogger Ben said...

Hmmm... well since gardener and librarian are taken I will have to come and be your hanger-on. I will generally loaf around but will also keep you well entertained with witty reparte and off topic, yet insightful, commentary. I will of course have to wear a twead jacket with elbow patches and start smoking a pipe.


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