Joey's blog thing

Monday, October 23, 2006

band trip

Hello all

I decided not to cheat today and do one of those survey thing....aren't you proud of me... not that todays post will be any more exciting I assure you. I am well behind on my work at the moment - went to warrington on a band trip this weekend with Nottingham Memorial halls band (hence me being behind in everything else)... warrington is near Liverpool (for those of you who don't know)...about 2.5 hours from nottingham!! I love band weekends - and by the way - the band wants to do a trip to canada soooo if you're a canadian corps and wants an english band to play at your corps let me know (you have to be in alberta thought:) they're good and they're classy without being snotty - we've got bright red festival tunics and everything - very cool.... and they can show everyone how to march properly (being that they get loads of practise every sunday after the open air services)...

Anywho, I did take pictures but don't have them on the computer so can't post them.. sorry...

other than that there is absolutely nothing new - surprise surprise...I did see pictures of Abigail Gallimore though - how incredibly cute...very very adorable!!

well got to go do more work - bye bye


At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we could do a Stampede exchange. They would put our marching to shame, I'm sure. We have a band from Chicage coming this year (well, 2007) but maybe the following stampede would work out!

At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You know how much I love bands and band girls... we need them to come to Calgary for sure... the place will be packed to the roof!!

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Joey said...

Yes michael...I know how much you LOVE bands - AND band girls of course...I'm sure you would be right in the front row:)


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