Joey's blog thing

Thursday, February 23, 2006


so I tried to upload a picture of good ol' england but...surprise, surprise...there was an error...some engineer somewhere has apparently been reported by...???
Anywho, it rained for almost 13 hours straight today - how crazy is think some parts of the world don't get anything...grrrrrr.
By the way, that house I went to look at is beautiful, a brick victorian house with a garden and everything - yet another way I've been taken care of by God...yey God!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

hello again,
Right so now that I've been away from Canada for a while...thought I'd give you the low down. I passed all my first semester courses...looks like I can stay a bit longer. Although I have a feeling this next semester is going to be ridiculously hard - mostly cuz of Anatomy...I won't gross you out with all the gor (though me thinks it very cool) but if you desperately want to know...ask Ben...he'll love to fill you in:)
I went on my 2nd hospital visit today - carried around my new stethescope, washed my hands repeatedly, looked at charts, and smiled at a very adorable old lady - overall a very productive day I'd say. I also listened to another ladies lungs (of course I had no idea what I was supposed to listen to was still the coolest thing ever).
I'm going house hunting a place called wollaton. Just think if that works out you all (well everyone I know at least) would have a place to stay if you come to england.
I was going to post pictures but...I don't know how yet... then again an hour ago I didn't know how to write to you fine folk out there either so...
Anywho, I think this thing is long enough..don't you?...besides I got to go learn about the triangles of the to you all soon. bye


Hello...just checking to see if this thing works - don't mind me. Look for a proper posting when I figure things out:)