Joey's blog thing

Thursday, March 16, 2006

see I DO keep in contact

Hello all

Yes yes...I'm quite aware I'm rubbish at keeping in contact but anywho....hi...
heres my big discovery of the week - Did you know that the count of monte cristo is actually 2 volumes - I'm not even done the first one...course it could be cuz I've only got the 20 min. it takes me to eat my break fast to actually read (something other than medical stuff) - hee hee hee I told one of my friend that I'm reading this 'count of monte cristo' and she thought it was another medical book she didn't take out of the library yet....craziness really!!!

Anywho since last time- the only exciting thing is that I've finally signed for my house...its beautiful...well for a student house at least...yey.....oh and I made a birthday cake today (apparently for 150 people)...again craziness - I woke up at 6am to do it grrrr (psycho).

We dissected the hand today and I found the superficial palmer arch AND the bifurcations of the ulnar nerve all by myself:) very very cool!!!!!!
ohhhh AND I learned how to take blood pressure...and find all (well almost all) peripheral pulses the one in the popliteal fossa is ridiculously hard:(

Well gots to go now...see ya all soon

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Here are some places I've visited...actually the only place I've visited - so far at least...hey give me a break uni's hard...anywho these are from when I went to york.

This tower thing on a hill is apparently where people long ago fought other people from long ago (Medieval times actually) and prevented them from taking over york...that sounded so much better when I read it on the sign...

This is York Minster...its absolutely beautiful and everyone has to go and visit - if you ever come here...

This is me half way up the had 250 tiny little stairs...I almost died I was so exhausted

Ok, everyone keeps posting pictures of Jonah all grown up, and its so not fair - I'm missing everything:( I thought I'd post one of how I remember him...He's so cute. All you aunts and uncles - keep posting pictures - I like pictures...

So I went on another GP visit the other day and my tutor had me do a history by would think it would be amazing...doing your thing - well it was aweful...I swear my tutor hates me. He completely trashed me infront of the was like Dr. Carter (before he became good) being destroyed by Benton...grrrr....feels horrible by the way. On the upside I did get to listen to his chest - he was an asthmatic - it was so cool - sounds kind of like a little kitten underneath something big...